Edward van de Vendel


Nino, travelling to his fourteenth country

De cover van "The dog that Nino didn't have" van Edward van de Vendel}

The dog that Nino didn't have
with Anton Van Hertbruggen

Even ten years after its initial publication date a new country can be found for a book - this happened last week for The dog that Nino didn't have (Het hondje dat Nino niet had), the picture book Anton Van Hertbruggen and I made for publishing house De Eenhoorn, back in 2013.

This time Nino travels to Portugal, where it will be translated by Andreia Salgueiro and published by Alfarroba. Sarah Claeys of Booklist Agency was the intermediate (and new rights can be inquired at her address).

Previously The dog that Nino didn't have was sold to Germany, France, the United States, Russia, China, South-Korea, Denmark, Brazil, Argentina, North-Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey and Ukraine.