Edward van de Vendel


Festival Letteratura

Last week I was an invited guest to this wonderful festival, Festivaletteratura in Mantova, Italy. The Dutch Literature Foundation gave support and I got to see readings by others, got guided tours through Mantova's amazing palazzo's, and had two events about my work, beautifully assisted by my translator Giuliana Ardito. The last event was the most special one, because I was interviewed by someone I admire, author Davide Morisonotto. This was a great pleasure, and an honour. We hope to do this again in The Netherlands one time, but then with the roles reversed.

It was also a pleasure to have my wonderful publisher present, Della Passarelli of Sinnos. She published The bamboo girl and Thirteen running deer, translated by Laira Pignatti. And next year Misjka will be out in Italian!